I can share our statistics from Alberta.
Almost 16,000 babies die each year that are documented as miscarriages. When we say “documented”, we know there are actually more. One in four pregnancies will end in a miscarriage in Alberta. We know it's higher than that, because many women do not go to their physician and say, “I think I've had a miscarriage. Can you do a test?” They just know they were pregnant. They did the test at home, and within weeks they lost that baby. There are many undocumented losses.
We also know there are around 400 stillbirths each year. I don't have the statistics for SIDS. I know it is high. I don't have the statistics for SUDC. It's coming up as a higher one as well.
In communities across Alberta, it is a growing trend. Part of it we're seeing is that many families are waiting to have their babies and the parents might be a little older, so there are more opportunities for testing being done. Sometimes those end in medical terminations with babies that maybe aren't as viable or the mother's health is at risk. We're seeing a big increase in medical terminations as well. That's pushing numbers up.