Good morning, everyone. We're going to get started.
Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), and the motion adopted by the committee on Tuesday, September 18, 2018, the committee is resuming its study of supporting families after the loss of a child.
Today, the committee will hear from witnesses both here in Ottawa and via video conference.
First off, appearing as individuals, we have Wendy Fuentes and Philippe Panneton who are coming to us via video conference from Miami, Florida.
From, British Columbia Childloss Support Network, we have Jens Locher, also coming via video conference from Vancouver, British Columbia.
We also have here in Ottawa, from BriarPatch Family Life Education Centre, Bill Roberts, co-founder, H.E.A.R.T.S. Baby Loss Support Program; and Cheryl Salter-Roberts, executive director.
From Gardens of Grace, we have Paula Harmon, founding director; and Jessica Weatherbee, director.
From Les amis du crépuscule, we have Alain Pelletier, managing director.
Welcome to all of you. We're going to get started with seven-minute opening remarks from each of you.
We'll start with Wendy Fuentes and Philippe Panneton from Miami, Florida. The next seven minutes are all yours.