Good morning. Mr. Chair, members of the committee, and everyone participating today.
Canadians are excited to have episodic disabilities formally studied by the HUMA committee. I'd like to thank Drew Woodley from Epilepsy Ontario and Shauna MacKinnon from Fort McMurray for their tremendous support on motion M-192.
Special thanks to Julie Kelndorfer and the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, whose support was instrumental in getting this motion to committee.
Over the past few months, I've heard from thousands of Canadians living with episodic disabilities including epilepsy, Crohn’s, diabetes, arthritis, MS and many other episodic disabilities. There's an undeniable fact, episodic disabilities are treated differently from any other chronic disease and disability by government policy.
These inequalities have negative effects on those living with episodic disabilities and their loved ones. In Canada, support for persons with disabilities is built on a binary switch, either you can work or you cannot. However, life with episodic disabilities is not that black and white. Special requirements must be considered for people with episodic disabilities.
People living with episodic disabilities need employment support, improved income and disability support, and increased access to treatment, comprehensive care and housing. They need investment in fundamental research for episodic disabilities and updated disability programs where episodic disabilities are added to the general definition of disability. These changes are fundamental to ensure equality for people suffering from episodic disabilities.
It is up to us, the Canadian government, to take a stand and make fighting MS and other episodic disabilities a priority. I look forward to hearing testimonies from our witnesses today and I appreciate everyone's work on this file.
Thank you.