I agree with all of the comments made so far.
From the epilepsy perspective, the resources are there in terms of information. Epilepsy organizations across the country have developed really excellent resources and tools to inform employers about episodic disabilities—epilepsy in particular, but more generally as well.
Where we run into difficulty is having the resources to actually go into the workplace and meet with them. The most effective way to do this, particularly if there is an individual employee involved who is also a client of the agency, is to have staff go in and work with the employer on accommodation and on educating the entire workplace.
Epilepsy Toronto, for example, has an excellent program that allows them to do this, but that's an exception across the country. In a lot of cases it's a resource issue of the local community agencies not having the capacity or the staff to do this en masse.
With some dedicated support from the government toward this kind of project, I could see that would be the next logical step forward.