It is very difficult when you're talking about something that's so personal and where it's hard to see into the future. You're right that someone will be denied if it's more likely than not that they will be able to go back to work. Since the CPP was built, there has been an underpinning in the philosophy that working is what's best for persons with disabilities. If they're unable to, then CPP is there to help them until they reach the normal retirement age.
For some people, the treatment improves, something else in their life improves, or they find an employer who's more understanding. For those individuals, we have a number of provisions in place to help them. There are not a lot of them. About 1% of our beneficiaries a year actually return to work sufficiently enough to get off of CPP altogether. If that situation does arise, we provide three-month work trials. We have automatic reinstatement provisions. We have fast-track reapplication provisions and vocational rehabilitation. We are trying to put in some of those provisions. We have had those provisions for quite some time for people who may, in fact, improve and may be ready to go back to work.