Once again, I would like to look at the larger picture. In terms of gross domestic product, Canada has north of a $2-trillion economy, and the total amount of money that's paid out in income security benefits of all types is somewhat north of $180 billion, meaning that we spend about 8% of our gross domestic product on benefits of various sorts.
When you compare that with other OECD countries, we're somewhere around the middle. We're certainly not overspending in that way. When you take the programs that you specifically noted, our contributory ones, we have three of them. We have workers' compensation, where the levy is on employers; EI, where it's on employers and employees; and CPP, where it's on employers and employees.
In fact, those payroll taxes are the largest single source of our income security programs—as you say, where the money comes from—with federal taxes being next, and then provincial taxes after that.
Do we need to increase the amounts? We've gone through the last 25 years where EI premiums have actually moderated and stayed down. CPP premiums certainly have not increased over the last many years. I would simply say that, on both programs, we have the room to make moderate increases so that we can actually meet people's needs.