Perhaps I could, very quicky.
I think the entire term “episodic”, which is a very high-literacy term, is great for us. We're all on the same page. However, putting that in a research document to try to ask people if it is them or not becomes an issue. Even the word “disability” is very loaded. Many people we speak to in research have all these conditions we've been labelling, that we've been talking about, but if you ask them if they have a disability, they'll say no. They don't see themselves as disabled, so we use language around “difficulty” or “limitations with”. That opens it up to a whole range of other reasons that you might have difficulties with various issues in your life.
We struggle to come up with ways to make sure people can capture this. Sometimes it's by asking if they have any of these conditions. We assume that if they do, perhaps they have an episodic disability. It's not perfect. Other times we talk about limitations as a way to try to get people seeing themselves in this group.