Again, I would say there's a lack of awareness, not only with high school youth, but with younger people who have finished high school. They're 23 or 24, they've bounced around a few jobs, and they don't know what their options are. There's a lack of awareness among teachers, parents and career influencers. I know this is a provincial program, but the OYAP program could be beefed up and funded. They're the people who actually work in the high schools. They're the ones who are the career experts and they are pro-construction, but a lot of schools don't have OYAP coordinators. That already exists. That could be beefed up.
Again, I'm repeating myself. I think it's a lack of awareness. There's a big group of people who just don't know what's out there. They don't know there are good jobs that could match their personalities and aptitudes, etc. It's about creating that awareness and information, something like Germany does.