I want to stress what it means to me. Is it working? It works well for those students who sign up for their OYAPs, Ontario youth apprenticeship programs. By grade 12, it's often too late, and that's when we start getting them. We have to encourage the value of the trade all the way through, certainly through high school education.
For example, in this city, Ottawa, the school boards have stopped teaching carpentry. Our local here in Ottawa, Local 93, has developed a program to try to get schools in Ottawa to try to teach carpentry so that young people might be interested. We're trying to draw them out. It works when we can get young people into our training centres across the province. We have to move back....
Somebody asked about what we can learn from other countries. Ask our training instructors. When they go to Germany to look at their apprenticeship systems, everyone across Germany universally refers to the profession of carpentry. I don't think there are too many people in this room who talk about the profession of carpentry. It's a challenge to all of us to start talking to young people and everybody about the value of those trades and to get them in early.