A simplified process was put in place in Quebec almost three years ago. It is an agreement between Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, Emploi-Québec and Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions. This agreement makes it possible to make a list of the jobs that are in high demand or in shortage. When a job is on that list, we can obtain a labour market impact assessment much faster, within four to five weeks, and apply through the simplified process. That makes it possible to eliminate the requirement for employers to show a pile of evidence indicating that they made efforts locally, since we know that there is definitely a shortage in that profession.
Naturally, as Mr. Bolduc mentioned earlier, the list is established for the province. We encourage you to perhaps use it as a model for the rest of Canada. I know that people have come to see you and proposed that you eliminate the LMIA, the Labour Market Impact Assessments, for some leading-edge sectors or some high-demand professions. We have also told you that there may be a way to regionalize those simplified process lists.
Would you like to say something, Mr. Deltell?