Good morning, and thanks to all for showing up.
I'm from Sault Ste. Marie, so a special hello to Allyson.
I guess the biggest take-away I get from this is trying to find a definition for “precarious employment”. I want to start with a bit of an example. I was in an Uber one day and I was talking to this fellow. I said, “Why do you do it?” He said, “Well, you know, I live right across from a Home Depot, and I could make $12 an hour and have benefits, but it's a pain in the butt because then they want me in Monday from 3:00 till 9:00, and I can't spend time with my kids at that time, so I could make $12 an hour and have some form of certainty, but I can make $17 an hour and be completely independent.” There was a trade-off there, and he was happier taking a job that would be, I guess, defined as precarious.
I just want to go around the table and get your definitions of precarious employment.
Mr. Cardozo can start.