I can probably get into further detail on that with a bit of research, but if you go back to my chart on slide 5, you get a sense of that by the percentage of total employment, the number of people who are in part time by reason of what we call“opportunity constraint. In 2016, it appears to have been around 5% of total employment in Canada, so it's relatively small.
If you want, you could even include personal constraint in that batch. These are individuals who perhaps are constrained by caring for family members or children, or they cannot accommodate full-time work. You can include them as well, or even a portion, as Francis talked about earlier. Say there is a student who is studying part time and wants more hours but is constrained in their current role. You can even inch towards some of those. However, as a whole percentage of employment, even including all of those elements, you'd be looking at somewhere between 8% and 9% of total employment in Canada.