I'll try to be brief.
I think it's really irreplaceable and invaluable as a way to ensure workers' rights in the workplace. I think we have a long way to go to improve the compliance and enforcement of labour standards in this country, but there's really no substitute at the end of the day for workers' own self-organization to ensure that standards in the workplace are being met.
That goes to the issue of access to collective bargaining as well. There's talk about collective voice for non-union workers, but in fact, collective bargaining is something different. It goes to the issue of the power imbalance that we've talked about, the vulnerability.
The government has now ratified all eight core ILO conventions, including the right to organize and the right to form independent organizations for the purpose of collective bargaining. We think the Government of Canada has an obligation to actually promote access to collective bargaining as a charter right in Canada, and to make it available to more workers who want it.