For us, for our industry, for our area, you did mention our low local population, so that's one factor. If the town of Neepawa has 3,000 people and we need 1,000 people at the plant....
As well, they need to have a certain skill level in cutting up the meat, because our customers demand it in Japan. We're in the highest-end market in the world. HyLife exports the largest number of kilograms to Japan of any hog producer, so we need skilled meat cutters, people who know how to cut that meat, and not just numbers of people. We need people who are maybe from the Philippines and are from AA or AAA plants, not just people who did some butchering in their backyard. Those people, unfortunately, are not available, so that's one factor.
There's low unemployment, and you mentioned the 2.4%, so there are just not a lot of local people available. That's a factor.
Then there's the simple fact of turnover rates, even if you're not growing your plant. I told the story of how we were growing our plant from 300 to 1,200, but even just to maintain turnover.... We have the industry-low turnover rate of 10%. The industry average is 25%. Let's say that we went to 25%. We'd need 250 folks per year. We wouldn't get that locally in that area, or even throughout Canada.