Obviously, what I run into.... I can't speak of other people's experiences. I have heard of other people's experiences, but speaking from my experience, the liaison service that is in place is not working. From what I understand, they are there to make sure that the rights of the workers are protected. They are not. I have found that most of my battles, most of the injustice, and most of the fears of the workers were against the liaison workers. Many of them said that if they complain to the liaison workers, they go back to the bosses and tell them, and then they are not welcome to come back.
From my experience, I felt like the liaison workers were working for the boss more than they were working for the actual migrant workers. There needs to be a system in place so that there is safe reporting and proper investigation into.... I am sure probably each country has a liaison who works with these workers. It should not be just left up to them, because what I encountered was that they are in Canada, but they are an entity all by themselves. They were untouchable. Nothing I said, nothing I wanted for my cousin mattered. They had the power, and they could do whatever they wanted.
That should never happen here. There should be a system whereby maybe somebody in the Canadian labour market who has a separate interest has governance over this so that these workers can safely report and be protected and looked after.