I agree. We don't want to assume anything. The norm in this place—and I've been here for 12 years—is that you would have one minister come for an hour. I don't think it's really relevant if they were asked separately or all at the same time. Rather than going into great detail and asking about the exact wording of the request, we have to move on. I think it's our first choice that we have each minister here for an hour, followed by an hour.
A second choice, I would say, is if all three ministers are coming on the 11th, the same day, that we have them stay for the two hours. The last choice would be their being here only for an hour. The reason I say that is just the simple math. If we have them here for one hour, the first round, each minister gets 10 minutes, that's 30 minutes. That's followed by the first round of questioning, seven minutes each, and that's another half hour. That would mean the ministers would only get four questions. It's just really not a genuine opportunity to ask them. Just in the simple math, I think we have to go for option one, which is that we have them each on a different day. Option two would be if they all want to come the same day, then we ask that they stay here for the full two hours.
Thank you.