With all due respect, Minister, we've seen the government table a budget with a $30-billion deficit. At some point, Joe and Jane taxpayer will have to pay the bill, and that bill will not stay stagnant. It's going up. The taxes are going to go up. We all know that they're going up. Payroll taxes are going up dramatically.
As an economist, I understand the platitudes, and what you're planning to do sounds great. Ultimately, though, Canadians have to pay the bill, and that's what I'm concerned about. That's what Conservatives are concerned about. Our compassion derives from the fact that at some point Joe and Jane have to pay the bill for all these plans. As an economist, I want to know whether we have had a deep conversation about the impacts that a carbon tax would have on Canadian taxpayers. You've talked about it generally, but the long-term effects are explained in platitudes. This question hasn't been answered substantially. That's what concerns me dramatically.