Good. That should be all right.
There are three levels at which we want to innovate.
First is the ability to dive into communities, as we are doing with the Tackling Poverty Together project, to understand fully the incredible depth of actions and attitudes of our communities towards reducing poverty. It's so comforting to see this dedication in so many of our communities and families towards making their society and their environment more inclusive. That's the first step. The second step, once we've done that, is to build our poverty reduction strategy together, which ideally will be an important document, and, therefore, perhaps even more important than the earlier documents you mentioned.
Once we've done that, then the two levels of additional innovation will be to partner in our actions with all of these groups and folks who are so willing to work with us, and to do this in a different manner by trying to connect better the different dimensions of the lives of our families—housing, child care, training, labour force participation, public transit, and green infrastructure.