Thank you for your recommendation.
My second question is for Ms. Notten.
To date, the federal government has not adopted any official measure targeting poverty. You described this situation very clearly. The Statistics Canada representatives who appeared before this committee also discussed this matter. People talk about low incomes, which is a rather vague concept.
You say that we mustn't confuse economic and social aspects. I must admit that I have trouble separating the two. To my mind they are closely related. When you talk about taking regional specificities into account, in my opinion these are social aspects. We are talking about social exclusion indicators and deprivation. In my opinion, when you talk about winter coats, you are touching on a social aspect, in this case, deprivation. To my mind these elements are inextricably linked.
You mentioned that Statistics Canada could make changes to data that would not be costly, and that there were some very clear examples in other countries. Mr. Tassi asked a question about this in connection with your presentation.
In light of what is being done in other countries, how could Statistics Canada make these low-cost changes?