Good morning, everybody. I hope everybody is wide awake today. We're going to get started right away with a continuation of witnesses on the poverty study.
I would like to welcome to the committee the witnesses this morning: Derek Cook, director, Canadian Poverty Institute; Philip Cross, senior fellow, Macdonald-Laurier Institute; Allan Moscovitch, professor emeritus, school of social work, Carleton University; Geranda Notten, associate professor, graduate school of public and international affairs, University of Ottawa; and Richard Shillington, who has degrees in statistics and has conducted 30 years of research on health, social, and economic policy, and who has worked variously for governments, the private sector, and NGOs. Welcome.
This morning we'll be hearing opening statements from each of you.
Again, thank you very much for being here early this morning. We're looking forward to asking you questions.
I will turn it over to Mr. Cook. Welcome, sir.