My motivation for a TFSA was simply to find some way that low-income people could save in a tax-advantaged way and not have it all escape into the federal treasury through the GIS. I spent a lot of time talking to seniors who were living on low incomes. They had an average of $30,000, $40,000, or $50,000.
I thought the cap should be $200,000. Once your TFSA gets to $200,000, I would say that you shouldn't be allowed to put any more in. It can still grow tax free, but there should be a cap. I actually think—and I've been quoted as saying this—that the TFSA as currently structured cannot survive, because right now we know that you can build up millions in your TFSA and get the GIS, right?
As soon as there's the article on page 3 of the Report on Business, there are people doing it. They are planning for this. I could do it. I know the rules well enough that I could easily get the GIS and have a very good income that doesn't show up on my tax return. I just incorporate and leave all of the corporate profits in retained earnings.
I think that the TFSA, as currently structured—