Thank you for the question.
Look, I think you make a good point. When we talk about redistribution, it is generally assumed that it is going towards people who need the money. I think that is a fair societal goal and a proper role for government. You mentioned corporate welfare. We're a group that opposes the use of public money to go towards wealthy executives. We think that's wrong.
One thing this government has done that we do like is that they've changed the child care benefit and made it a means-tested benefit. Now the money is going more towards people who need the money. We think that's a positive change.
In many other instances, government is often a very blunt instrument. It can often result in unintended consequences where money is going to people who don't need it, and it's coming from people who have lesser means. I think we need to be very careful when we use government instruments, and ensure that when we are redistributing, the money is coming from people who have considerable means to the people who need it more.