Good morning, everybody. We're going to get started here. Before I forget, we do have a very brief amount of committee business that we are going to need to deal with at the very end of this meeting. I will have to ask, and I will remind everybody at the end that we're going to have to clear you out fairly quickly. We don't want to kick you out, but we're going to have to kick you out. We're also going to be interrupted by bells, as well, with some votes today. I'm not going to spend a lot of time on introductions. We'll get right to it.
Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2) and the motion adopted by the committee on Monday, June 13, 2016, the committee is resuming its study of poverty reduction strategies.
Today we have a number of witnesses. From Statistics Canada, we have Heather Dryburgh, Director, Tourism and Centre for Education Statistics, and Klarka Zeman, Senior Analyst, Tourism and Centre for Education Statistics. From the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada, we have Jérémie Ryan, Director, Financial Literacy and Stakeholder Engagement, and Julie Hauser, Partnership and Stakeholder Engagement Officer.
From the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, we have Paula Isaak, Assistant Deputy Minister, Education and Social Development Programs and Partnerships, and Jonathan Allen, Deputy Director, Education and Social Development Programs and Partnerships.
Finally, from the Department of Employment and Social Development, we have Mary Pichette, Director General, Canada Student Loans Program; Jessica Kerr, Director General, Canada Education and Savings Program; and Monika Bertrand, Acting Director General, Employment Program, Policy and Design Directorate.
That's a lot of people.
Thank you all for being here and welcome. We're going to get going right away. I believe we're going to start with Statistics Canada. If you could keep your remarks to a crisp seven minutes, that would be very much appreciated. Thank you.