Thank you.
Thank you to the witnesses for being here. I listened closely.
With the environment of poverty that youth find themselves in, would the family likely be also in poverty? I think we can make an assumption, very safely, that if youth are in poverty, probably the parent or parents who are raising those children are also in poverty, so the source of the poverty would be the family setting. I'm going to start from that premise. It would be nice if the family could be removed from poverty and if we could help address that situation.
I have a question for the Canadian Council for Career Development. Each of the presenters was presenting a perspective on the importance of youth poverty, and while the mandate of the Council for Career Development is, I think, to work with people of all ages, my focus is poverty for seniors. This is where I'm trying to fit this puzzle together.
I received an email yesterday from a lady by the name of Christie Lane. She has a company she started three years ago in the Kamloops, B.C., area called Happy to Help, a community outreach support for seniors. She started off as a business of one person and now has 14 employees. Her company is helping seniors who need help so that they can age in place.
The Canadian Council for Career Development has the mandate to focus on helping people in all age groups. We have a growing population of aging Canadians. We cannot afford to build housing for this aging population, but we can afford to take care of them and have them age in place. There's a huge opportunity for our youth to be trained in home care, geriatrics, and palliative care. This is a great opportunity to take people out of poverty, both the parents and youth, for whom there are great employment opportunities.
My question is to the Council for Career Development. They mention that the blame game gets us nowhere and that we need a national strategy. What I've heard from across Canada is that we need a national seniors strategy, and under that broad national seniors strategy will be other strategies.
Would you agree that we need to have a strategy that provides education, training, and employment opportunities in the “demand sectors”, I think you called them? The senior sector, that aging population, has a huge potential, a demand sector that we can actually encourage training in.
Thank you.