Again, it's a challenge. Where would your baseline be? I think you have to determine a baseline and it's not going to be 700 hours and it's probably not even going to be 420 hours. Then I think you have to question who's going to be affected and why.
If things like seasonal unemployment and income redistribution to different parts of the country are things we want to encourage, then you ought to be thinking about how to do those things outside the EI program perhaps and through different mechanisms. Because EI will not be an effective tool at appropriately accomplishing all these objectives.
It's going to be a program that helps people who lose their jobs and provides appropriate income support to them, but it's not going to be that and the regional distribution tool and a seasonal support worker tool, and a good tool for part-time workers or people in non-standard forms of employment, which are increasingly more common. It can't be everything and I think it tries to be too much and that's probably my biggest problem with EI as a program.