I think a big part of it is looking at what's missing, and what's in common. Most communities have wait-lists for housing. You recently launched a national housing strategy, so what will that do at the provincial and local levels to make sure that people have adequate housing? There are two key areas for people who are experiencing poverty; they are income and then housing. What role does the federal government play in addressing those issues of income? It's the income supports. It's removing the silos, as John talked about, in terms of the marginal tax rate. It's working with the provincial and municipal governments to make sure that your rules around child benefits aren't in conflict with the provincial rules around child benefits.
That silo thing seems like a small thing, but it's huge. For decades, we've worked in our boxes at different levels of government. We rarely come out of those boxes. You have rules around EI; we have rules around social assistance and disability. Who do those rules benefit? Why is it that it's so hard for people to get out of poverty or to move forward? It's because of the rules we put in place.