Great. Thank you very much.
I'd like to go back to you, Ms. Arte. It strikes me that while we're having some really powerful conversations here, obviously the goal of this committee is to bring forward recommendations to the federal government. We certainly want to encourage work that's happening on the ground, but ultimately our mandate is to instruct the federal government on the leadership it ought to take.
Bringing that focus back, then, Ms. Arte, at a national forum we organized on the impact of precarious work on the millennial generation—a trend that we know is becoming more and more serious—we heard about the unique compounding factors that millennials face, including rising student debt and the high cost of tuition fees. We heard one of the speakers state at this forum, and I'm paraphrasing, that we understand that businesses require significant investment up front, so we gear a significant amount of our programs and financial support to businesses when they are starting out; however, we don't apply that same logic to people, and particularly young people.
I'm wondering whether you agree with that statement and what you believe is the most effective and efficient use of resources—again, federal resources—when it comes to funding the post-secondary education needs that young Canadians have.