Thanks again, everybody, for appearing at committee this morning. I know that for some of you it's early. I guess it's not too bad for us. It's about 9:20 a.m. now.
I want to start off by speaking specifically to Ricardo. You mentioned a few curious things that I would say are definitely paths that I see as important to take in terms of poverty reduction. It's the prevention side of things. Instead of dealing with a condition that already exists, we'd like to prevent that incident from happening. The example that I would use is a car accident. It needs an ER to address the immediate concerns, but there's also a reduction component with education, being in schools, and showing that this is what's going to happen if you drink and drive, etc.
You mentioned you have a section called Pathways to Prosperity. I want you to expand on what you mean by pathways to prosperity. Again, keeping in mind that this is a poverty reduction strategy, can you speak to that?