I'm sorry to cut you off. My concern is that when an organization is involved with a group of kids with criminal records who have never worked in their entire lives and don't have high school diplomas and they're struggling to get them into jobs, they don't have time to fund a brand new study when they know that if they put these kids in a gym and have them exercise for 30 minutes a day, their performance vastly improves.
I worry about us in Ottawa, where people say, “Well, before you can do that, we demand that you file a study, and we want you to contract that out, and it has to be an open request for tender, and maybe you have to hire a consultant on how to do that contract.” That's not how real life works. Small businesses don't operate that way, and we're not going to solve problems in real time if we require new studies every time someone comes up with a solution that works on the ground.