Thank you for your question. I must bring up the recent investment of the federal government in suicide prevention for the Inuit. It was very welcome and long overdue. It was a three-year commitment for, I believe, a total of $9 million. I know the Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami is working actively with the four regions across the Arctic to, in some cases, enhance what may be available or to start delivering new programs, dependent on the priorities and needs of those communities and regions.
I haven't read an evaluation of the NNADAP for some time, so I can't speak to the evidence around programs like NNADAP. In the Inuit world in Canada, there haven't been programs over time that can be evaluated and assessed in terms of efficacy and replication, so there's a great need for ITK, the regions, organizations like ours, to develop.... I don't like to use the word “piloting”, but there's a need to work with Inuit experts and others to develop perhaps adaptations to some of the projects that have been referred to earlier, and then the sustainability to deliver them over time so they can be evaluated and adjusted to better meet those needs.