There's also an article that I read flying back called “Pension delays contribute to putting more veterans into financial crisis”. It says:
The federal government's inability to get pension cheques into the hands of retiring soldiers in a timely manner is one of the factors contributing to a sharp increase in calls to an organization that deals with veterans in crisis, says a leading member of the group.
There are veterans—in this year alone, we've had hundreds of veterans—who are becoming homeless because they do not have the financial support they need.
These are just a few examples of areas in which the federal, not the provincial, government has responsibility. I'm not going to put the blame on this specific government, but we need to do better. As Mr. Ruimy says, we need to do better in providing. Much of the discussion has focused on provincial, but there are many of ways in which the federal government has been falling down too, and if we create an environment of hopelessness, that puts everybody at risk. Would you agree?