Thank you.
Ms. Scott, thank you for your presentation. Again, I was proud that Minister Jean-Yves Duclos came to Saint John and named it one of the cities in the rollout of the tackling poverty together project. That project will encompass six cities across the country. We're very excited to be involved in that.
I do want to talk briefly about shelters and homelessness and the Housing First program you're implementing. As I said at the last meeting we had, in our group we have about 60 people in Saint John who serve breakfast at the Outflow men's shelter every Saturday morning. I'm there first-hand. I'm getting to know that situation very well.
The concern I have is that Outflow would get roughly $170,000 a year from the province for running the men's shelter, but they would have to privately raise probably two or three times that just to stay functional and provide the service they do.
Can you talk about what you see for the future, and potential innovation to help in situations such as that, and how important it would be to have the proper alignment between the federal and provincial governments to help those people living on the streets?