It's the homeless partnering strategy. The federal homeless partnering strategy is a good framework because it gets money to Winnipeg and it actually bypasses the province in some ways, but it's just tacked on with all this tape. Get rid of the tape, give the money back to the local community organizations, and have them do good work.
You raise one question I don't think we've talked too much about today, which is home ownership. Again, I put my old hat on from when I just stepped off the board of Habitat. Habitat is a neat model. As much as we always focus on affordable rents and the impoverished, we need to figure out a way to lift more Canadians out of poverty through home ownership as well. Affordable home ownership is a good way for government to get back and be involved in things. CMHC was that place—5% down and assistance. We can grow that. We can rethink home ownership.