We're doing a lot of things. We have a very exhaustive group of people who are working at the college. We have been very innovative in not only the way in which we approach education but also the way in which we approach entrepreneurship. We approach opportunities for volunteerism with the expectation of generations going forward and being good, productive citizens who give back to the community.
I hear you talking a lot about how we can duplicate this, how we can make this happen. I can tell you that the first way to make these things happen is to go to the community, let people get together who are involved and engaged with this, and let them build on their strengths. If you focus on the problem to the point that the problem becomes all-consuming, you'll never get anywhere, because you're trying to solve a problem instead of focusing on what you already have.
Medicine Hat has amazing people who are working collectively to see things happen, not only with the ability to just give volunteer time, as in “Let's just go and meet somewhere”, but also for the purpose of ending something. It's a bold statement. It's a provocative statement. You must be bold and you must be provocative, because we will see poverty increasing in our country.