Sure. In our school division we have used the work of Epstein to establish the community involvement plan. There are a number of components to this.
We've signed three formal partnerships with post-secondary institutions across Alberta that allow us to deliver programming remotely. We've also created something called parent-teacher academic teams to better engage parents who see barriers to being involved in school. This will include everything from hiring interpreters for Low German-speaking people to ensuring that in schools our students have access to languages such as Cree.
We have created partnerships with the local food bank, which has been instrumental in helping us address food security issues in schools. We have partnered with art galleries. We have three community schools that have municipal libraries on site that allow interaction between the larger community and the school. We have created a number of buildings, including a new building in Schuler, in concert with community organizations that allow them to access the building outside of regular school hours. This allows a reduction in infrastructure costs and reduces our costs as well through the use of the infrastructure for multiple purposes.