Several purpose-built housing complexes have recently been created in our municipality, and last month new rental housing for seniors in Langley township was announced by the Province of British Columbia in partnership with a local church. If it goes forward, it will provide approximately 120 livable units for seniors and those who are struggling, and that was part of why that was being done.
This is one of the most important keys to addressing poverty and providing affordable housing partnerships. Earlier this month, we were thrilled to announce that the Langley Youth Resource Centre was being built on land provided by the township in partnership with the province and dozens of community organizations.
Approximately three years ago there was a presentation to council concerning youth who are going to school who are homeless. They asked for something to be done. Councillor Fox in particular championed this and over three years went forward with it, found private investors, entrepreneurs who didn't want to be recognized but were paying for it, and this is what the facility coming this summer will look like. It's modular. It will house five youth, and all the support services, the medical services, will be there for them as they transition through.
I thank you very much for your time.