Yes, absolutely.
Around the theme of inadequate income, I think one thing we've done as Conservatives is that we incentivized building positive neighbourhood behaviours, like the children's fitness and arts tax credits, etc. A big part of that strategy was to leave more dollars in taxpayers' pockets—that's what we were trying to do—and again to make sure that income is at a level where people can live and enjoy their neighbourhood, enjoy their community.
One thing that concerns me—and we've talked about it a few times, but maybe not enough—is the carbon tax and the effects that carbon tax is going to have on those communities and neighbourhoods where they're so tight. Every last cent is spent by the time the next paycheque arrives, rents are just being paid, and just enough food is being purchased.
We've also seen certain tax measures from the government, where they give back to Canadians too. I'll give them that, but on the one hand they give a little, and they take it all back and then some with the carbon tax. What do you think of the negative effects the carbon tax is going to have on communities and neighbourhoods?