I have a reason for being a fan. I have a younger brother who has developmental disabilities. He lives in Montreal. For the longest while they struggled, he and my mom, with no place to go, no jobs, and what have you, but then he hooked up with the Jewish community and they got him a job. It was something as simple as putting forks and napkins in a little plastic envelope, but he was working 35 to 40 hours a week. How he changed was a miracle for me.
When we look at people and we limit them, we do a disservice to them. It's not to say that my mom didn't raise him right or anything like that. Mom held him close, but by going to a different place where they had the resources, they were able to help him and give him a better quality of life. It's not for me to say what quality of life is. It's not for anybody in here to say what quality of life is. For him to be given that opportunity and to have that quality of life changed everything.
I'd like to know a little bit more. If you can, tell us about Reena and the services that you offer, not just in relation to finding a home but what types of services do you offer to help them improve their quality of life?