We're active with IFSW, which is the International Federation of Social Workers, which is what you're referring to. Our president meets yearly, actually, three times yearly, but once in person with them. The major thing that came out of the last meeting in terms of poverty reduction were...and this is where some of our social care act has come from, in terms of the fact that Britain has one and it's been doing great things in terms of reporting and data collection.
The other thing was that there was actually a motion passed, I believe, last year, on basic income. It's on the merits of exploring a guaranteed annual income, knowing that when you support people comprehensively, you actually save money down the line.
In terms of the données probantes, I would have to get you a briefing note on it. I'm not the person who is delegated to the IFSW, but I do know there has been a lot of excitement and discussion around both the idea of a social care act, or a policy framework for the delivery of federal social service dollars, as well as this concept of basic income that I think is moving all over Canada.