I again want to express my appreciation for your sharing with us. We get to understand, a little bit, some of the challenges of those living in the north.
I've asked a staff member behind me to do some research, and I'm going to ask you if you've heard anything of a cost-benefit analysis of growing food in the north as opposed to having it trucked or flown in.
In the Maple Ridge area, there is a company that had a display of what it called a 40-foot farm. It is a greenhouse built in containers retrofitted to create a portable greenhouse that would be flown in. The lighting inside the greenhouse would be provided by electricity from the village, and each community would grow its own green vegetables. It's on a rotisserie within the greenhouse, so that you have all these different layers that rotate and are constantly exposed to the light so that they grow; but you can have multiple crops within this greenhouse growing at the same time. They call them 40-foot farms because it's being grown within a 40-foot container that's been retrofitted to exist in the north. The community provides electricity.
Have you heard anything about that cost-benefit analysis?