At the City of London we've developed a new housing development corporation. It's a stand-alone corporation. The shareholder is the City of London, but it's an opportunity for us to work with private partners and with the not-for-profit sector to take the development of housing outside of the “rules”—I say that with the deepest respect—of developing housing within a municipal structure and to work outside of the rules that allow us to support additional development and allow us to publicly bend the rules a little bit. I probably shouldn't say that—I'm feeling like Deirdre right now—but we would do it in such a way that we address the affordability issues or the end-of-operating agreements, which was mentioned here, where we hold people to providing housing longer and not just making it into a condo when they're done with it.
Our ability to do that, with the support of our council, means that we're working with stakeholders in our communities in ways we've never done before. We'd happy to be able to share that, moving forward.