To me, that's the kind of clever solution that we need that works for employers, government, and mothers.
Judy, I just wanted to speak about what you had mentioned. I had heard somebody else say that the employer should cover the entire cost of the whole maternity assistance program. In a perfect world, where employers make all the money, that might be possible. But we have a country with a lot of small businesses, who are really the fabric of our economy in a lot of ways, and you had mentioned that it would be a huge disincentive to hiring women if we have a program whose costs the employers alone had to cover. Then the female worker being hired would have potential huge other costs for that particular employer.
I just wanted to ask you, because you brought it up, how would you balance the two, where the government has a role certainly; the employer has a role certainly; and as Anna just suggested, there's a bit of a hybrid between the two. What would be a good balanced program in which we do see women being helped out in this situation so that they're not going out and having to make hard decisions on their pregnancy? How do you help that person out with a balanced approach between employer and government?