Thank you for the question.
There is definitely a big challenge among the three components, as you know. First, in school, we don't encourage women and girls to go into trades, technology, science, engineering—trades being the thing that has been mentioned the most—especially in the non-traditional system. The big concern in many cases is the question of the conditions that women will have to deal with. Discrimination is still rampant today. People think that it's disappearing. It's not. In fact, I was talking yesterday to someone who was telling me that especially in small and medium-sized enterprises, which we have in most of the country, if a woman even goes for an interview she will often be discriminated against, because they know that if she's young, that means she will probably get pregnant and that will cause issues. One thing we have to realize is that the workplace culture from the start is very obviously difficult for women. So when a the potential employer fears that a woman will get pregnant, they always kind of discriminate against that. So that is something from which there is a really important need to protect the woman.