Good morning, everybody.
Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2) and the motion adopted by the committee on Thursday, May 4, 2017, the committee is resuming its study of advancing inclusion and quality of life for Canadian seniors.
I am very pleased to welcome to the committee a number of officials today with us both here in Ottawa and also via video conference.
To start, from Employment and Social Development Canada, we have Nancy Milroy Swainson, director general, seniors and pensions policy secretariat, income security and social development branch. From the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation, we have Luisa Atkinson, director, first nation housing. From Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada, we have Lyse Langevin, director general, community infrastructure branch. From Veterans Affairs Canada, coming to us via video conference, is Elizabeth Douglas, director general, service delivery and program management. From Correctional Service of Canada is Don Head, commissioner. From Public Health Agency of Canada, we have Anna Romano, director general, centre for health promotion and chronic disease prevention branch.
This is a very full witness group today, so thank you.
Up first we have, from Employment and Social Development Canada, Nancy Milroy Swainson.
Welcome back.