For sure we have engaged and we're negotiating for continued funding for the friendship centres so that we have core dollars.
We know that across the nation many people and many of the friendship centres have accessed programming, the new horizons for seniors program, and in some places we're in a competition for those dollars because there is great need. We know that.
However, in order for our seniors to be engaged and to have those community consultations that you talk about, we need the person, we need Vera Pawis Tabobondungs who I can get to volunteer. We also need somebody who has the ability to bring people together whether they come by public transit...and in some communities we can't do that. We still want to do outreach, the whole thing about picking up the phone and calling because we care. I think we need that kind of capacity in the friendship centres.
We're trying to put our centre programs together so that we have wraparound service, with a bus that could bring the doctor and everybody else on the team along, and so we could still address what the seniors identify as the priorities in the community of their friendship centre.