Yes, absolutely. The co-care model, which is the main organizing principle of co-housing, can be picked up and put in any kind of multi-unit situation, because part of it is philosophical. It is also a way to organize care across a small community. For instance, co-op housing has been a great source of low-income housing for families across Canada. You can take a model like co-care and put it in a co-op housing environment, and it would work wonderfully because people are already working together. It's about how to coordinate that care across that situation.
We can do it in transitional housing, for instance. We have transitional housing units here that are in buildings where we can also put this model in place. What's really great is that the residents are very involved in organizing that care as well, so there is a democratic element to it. The co-care model really.... I think co-housing is great, but co-care, for me, is the kernel. That's the piece we want to be able to transfer out.