Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Thank you to the witnesses. You've shared so much with us. It becomes overwhelming at some point. We appreciate your being here, and we appreciate your testimony. If you haven't presented a brief, please do provide a brief with your recommendations. It would assist us in the report recommending a national seniors strategy.
I'm going to ask some questions of Ms. Westhaver.
My understanding is that you have just come back from Europe, so you are probably suffering a little jet lag. Thank you for being here with us.
What is unique about you.... Each of us provides a unique perspective, but you had a loved one: your husband Bob, who passed away. You said he spent the last four months of his life in hospice care. After his passing, you took the training and are now giving back and providing that type of care. I assume you are doing that because it was a blessing to you, and you are now providing that blessing unto others.
Could you tell us about the training? Did you have to pay for it? How long was the training? How important is it that others in our communities also participate in this as volunteers?