Thank you very much, Minister, for being here today.
I am a huge fan of Canada Summer Jobs. The first year we did it, it had always been closed to small business in my riding. I changed that. I actually followed 90% of all the students who were hired. I went to their organizations. I watched what they did. I watched how they connected it to their organizations. In the second year, we went out and called up 500 businesses, and we pushed. We ended up getting about $100,000 more in funding, so I've seen a tremendous rise in that.
In fact, to my understanding, with Canada Summer Jobs we've doubled the amount from what it was previously in this country. I've seen the results. It's a fantastic program that, if served well, can actually give students practice in what they're learning in school.
I'll be sharing my time with MP Morrissey, but first, many people in my riding have gained valuable experience thanks to the youth employment strategy. You mentioned that you are revitalizing the program. Can you explain that in a little bit more detail?