You can start the timer. Thank you.
I think this will all make sense in a moment.
If we're all pulling in the same direction, Minister, we will be able to accomplish much more than if we're in a rowboat and all rowing in different directions. The encouragement in the mandate letter is to work constructively.
It's my passion and my responsibility to represent Canadian seniors. There is an incredible job opportunity. You highlighted the changing workplace. Right now, we have a tremendous number of new job opportunities for our youth in geriatrics, palliative care, and home care. I've sensed in this committee to this point that there has not been an interest in seniors' issues. With you being here, Minister, I'm hoping that may change, because that's part of your mandate: to make sure we are working together constructively.
We've heard from witnesses that there are job opportunities for youth in taking care of our aging population. There are tremendous job opportunities there, and also for small business.
Minister, I'm going to move a motion while you're here. Hopefully the committee will support this motion:
That the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities dedicate one additional meeting during the study of experiential leaning for younger Canadians, on job opportunities in home care, geriatrics, and palliative care.
I'm moving that motion.
I hope the committee can deal with this quickly, hopefully within this meeting, and not move into an in camera meeting, because the minister's mandate is for openness and transparency. If there's a motion to adjourn debate or move in camera, then it's not the open, transparent responsibility of the minister.