We had 272 outreach events—job fairs—last year, quite often involving deputy minister champions as partners. There's quite a lot that's being done.
We are trying to be more targeted in our approach. For example, over the last year we've prioritized universities with a strong aboriginal or indigenous student population. We're being a little bit more targeted because we know there's certainly a demand, and when we look at our stats, we don't get as many applicants who are self-identifying as indigenous, as we do, for example, with visible minorities. Certainly with women, we don't have a problem. Much more than 50% of our applicants are women.
We try to be targeted in our outreach so that we're not using a shotgun approach. Partnerships of the kind you've described, that bring a number of universities or colleges together, are also a good way to maximize the use of our resources.
What we've been guilty of over the last years is not having a consistent presence on campus. We'll show up from time to time, and then we expect everybody to know who we are and the value that we bring, the career streams. We're glad we have people promoting careers in the public service, but we haven't done enough of that ourselves. Just showing up once a year or once every second year will not create that sustained relationship, which we also have to develop with the professors and the faculty so that they can also be part of our messaging.